Welcome to the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at UNICAMP! Either Master's or Doctoral, today you begin another stage of your academic life at one of the chemical engineering colleges most renowned in the country!

We understand that adjustment periods can be difficult and we know that many new students from other colleges/cities/states/countries can feel helpless. That's why, We have prepared this manual so that its adaptation is a little less turbulent.

This manual is intended to pass on some relevant information to incoming students and serve as a compilation of where this and other information can be found..

Finally, we encourage you not to rely solely on this manual. Our intention is to help, but it would be impossible to anticipate all the needs that will arise during your time at FEQ. Therefore, access the sites, talk to your colleagues, teachers and staff, be independent.


We want you to have a great master's/doctoral!

Once again, welcome!

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